
Creating a Pipeline

Go to Settings, then Pipeline Stages under Recruiting.


Add a new Recruiting Pipeline by clicking the + Add Pipeline.

Name the Pipeline

By default, every new pipeline created will have six stages.

  • Applied Stage
  • Review Stage
  • Interview Stage
  • Offer Stage
  • Hired Stage
  • Disqualified Stage

Each pipeline stage can easily be edited or deleted.

Edit a Pipeline Stage

Change the stage name

Enter the stage type. There are five different stage types to choose from, and you can have multiple stage types in the same pipeline.

The stage types are

  • Applied
  • Screen
  • Interview
  • Offer
  • Hired
  • Disqualified

You can add a new stage by clicking + Add New Stage.

Enter the name of the stage and choose the stage type.


You can change the order of your stages by clicking and dragging to the appropriate location.

Click the blue Save and Finish button when complete with your recruiting pipeline.