
Install on a custom website via FTP

  1. There are several different types of FTP clients available. If you do not currently have an FTP client, then you can download one online for free for your computer. Just make sure you download one that works with your operating system, Windows or Mac. i.e. google search: “cyberduck”, “FileZilla”, “Terminal”, etc.
  2. Once you download your FTP client, before you can continue, you’ll need to grab some information about your websites, such as the server name and FTP logins.
  3. Find out who your current domain hosting company is, i.e., GoDaddy, HostGator, Namecheap, etc.
    1. Note: If you are unsure about who your domain hosting company is, please refer to your website administrator or webmaster.
  4. Obtain your FTP login from your domain hosting company or website administrator, or webmaster.
  5. Once you obtain your FTP login, use the credentials to log into your website through your FTP client.
  6. Once you successfully log in, navigate to the folder that is hosting the page you want to show your careers page.
  7. If you are creating a new page, make sure you create a new file with the correct coding language that corresponds with your website structure, i.e., HTML, PHP.
  8. Refer to your website administrator or webmaster to review the website’s structure to make sure you are adding the new page in the right folder.
  9. Paste the script anywhere within the page before the ending body tag i.e.
  10. Make any additional changes before or after the script if necessary before saving.
  11. Once you successfully pasted the script into your new page, make sure you save the file from pushing the new page live.
  12. Open your browser and navigate to your new page. You should see your careers page and the navigation buttons above your careers page to view your jobs.
  13. Make sure all your content is visible, and any buttons are functional.
  14. If you encounter any error messages, please refer to your website administrator or webmaster.