After creating your customized hiring pipeline, you can now move your applied candidates to specific stages within your pipeline.
Select the “Jobs” option in the left sidebar menu.
Within the “Jobs” screen, select the job you want to move candidates through your hiring pipeline.
You will see the candidates that have applied to the position will be located below the pipeline stages. To move candidates through your pipeline, you must select multiple candidates by checking the box to the left of the candidate’s name or profile image.
After the candidate selection has been made, you will select the bulk actions drop-down and choose Change Stage.
This “Change Stage” button will allow you to select the custom stages you created for your hiring pipeline. Depending on the number of stages you created, you will access them within the “Change Status” drop-down menu.
Select the Save button when you have selected the stage you wish to change your candidate to.
After the change has been updated, you can find your candidates within your pipeline by selecting the above pipeline stages on the screen.
Continue the same process of selecting candidates in any stage of your pipeline to move them to the next stages.