
Policy – Direct Sales and Direct Marketing Jobs

Postings for direct sales and marketing positions are not allowed when considered vague or misleading.

These positions are often considered misleading when a company disguises a direct sales job as something different. 

If your account is found to violate this policy, you’ll be asked to adjust and fix the job listings. Should the account be found to violate the policy a second time, your company may be banned from VIVAHR and its partner sites.

Sales Jobs

Postings for sales jobs are allowed with VIVAHR. However, misleading sales roles or misleading sales job postings are not allowed. Misleading jobs may have misleading titles, unrealistic pay, misrepresentation of the organization, lack of information about the work and organization, and day-to-day responsibilities.

If the position is a commission-only sales job, it must be clearly visible and defined as such.

Recommendations to prevent your sales job from violating this policy:

  • The job description is clear and avoids vague information regarding the position.
  • The primary functions of the job are clearly defined.
  • Full details about the product or service being sold.
  • Use your real company name.
  • Display and label the job title to reflect the role of the position
  • Real and accurate compensation plan defined and disclosed.
  • Clearly describe the sales role as 1099 or W2